Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Writing Problems?

I participated in an academic writing workshop and once again, am faced with an agonizing two hours of the overwhelming urge to sleep. I must tank through this hardship. Although this is all practical information, some people don't understand any of this. Sometimes, I'm genuinely surprised by the intellectual ability of certain classmates as they range from extremely smart to "how did this person make the cut?", but that's beside the point. Now, more on this power point of writing process:

First of all, we must organize our plan of attack: planning, drafting, and revising.
When drafting, we mus determine the topic and purpose. Actually, this is all practical. Plan what you'll do and basically find the target audience and establish your goal. When drafting, what I do is build map of several ideas, but this can be impractical when we are faced with timed writings. A great strategy is read example papers and take ideas, expand, and make them your own. If you are taking significant amounts of information, be sure to cite your sources; not giving others credit for helping you is just a scumbag move. Once we have established all this good stuff, we are probably well on our way. The most difficult times have already passed. We now have to just write and expand on ideas and we will be done. A successful writer is one that can build ideas from any topic and create links towards events that the target audience can relate to. By now, if you are still reading, you probably are really bored or are really stuck on what to write. Well, understand that anything can be related to anything. An example would be, a rotting apple is comparable to the deterioration of humanity and the coming of age, renewal of components into a purer source. Basically, if you write academically and sound really smart people will actually attempt to unveil and create links to the things you write, whether it be on purpose or not. Meanings can arise for a bunch of words that otherwise is total bs that you have just made up to complete an assignment. An amazing writer can bs something quite remarkable at any given moment.

Basically, this workshop is pretty ridiculous and I have probably learned nothing, yet I still tolerate. 

What I recommend is go home and make some applesauce cake because if you're really stuck, come back to it later. Do something more productive and rewarding.

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